This report highlights BioTalent Canada’s milestones, resources and successes over the past several years that have been possible through the partnerships and collaborations of bio-economy stakeholders. BioTalent Canada would like to thank everyone who has contributed to theses accomplishments, especially those who have volunteered their time to help develop its many resources. As the HR hub of the country’s bio-economy, BioTalent Canada identifies the skills employers need, connects those employers to qualified talent and provides them with the tools to manage their human resources effectively.
Canada is predicted to face shortages of the skilled human resources so important to the long-term success and viability of the bio-economy. Attracting and retaining talent is essential to innovation and increasing the global competitiveness of Canada’s biotechnology industry, ensuring the country’s ability to build on its advantages and stand as a leader in the bio-economy.
Working in partnership with key stakeholders, employers and new employees, BioTalent Canada will be part of the HR solution in the continued growth of our knowledge-based economy.