Environmental Scan for Internationally Trained Professionals in the Biotechnology Sector (2006)

July 2006 – November 2006

Industry need: As in many other industries, the demand for professionals within the biotechnology sector cannot be met by those trained in Canada alone. To reach peak productivity, the industry must look to the abundant talents of scientists, researchers, technicians and others trained abroad—members of Canada’s vast and diverse immigrant population.


Objective: To gain deeper insight into the needs of both Canada’s biotechnology employers and the multitude of internationally trained professionals (IEPs) in Canada seeking work in the sector. Labour market information was collected and focus groups were conducted with the employers and IEPs to determine the issues regarding recruiting, integrating and retaining IEPs.


Resulting report: “Recognizing Talent: Capitalizing on the skills of foreign trained professionals for a vital bio-economy.”


Related projects:

Workplace Skills Development for Foreign Trained Professionals
BioSkills Recognition Program


Funded by the Government of Canada’s Foreign Credential Recognition Program.