January 2014 – December 2017
Industry need: Women constitute over 60% of physical and life sciences post-secondary graduates in Canada, yet as reported in the 2013 Sequencing the Data labour market study the number of biotech companies hiring women has decreased 11.5% in the last five years . This represents a significant lost talent pool. With skills shortages and access to talent still impeding the industry it is important that women are connected to career opportunities and able to advance within the industry to help address these skills gaps.
Objective: The project leveraged the existing network model established by Women in Bio, an international networking organization for women in the biotech industry, which has successfully started a chapter in Montreal and will provide ongoing support to the networks in the long term. Working with project partners, BioTalent Canada conducted a needs assessment to identify key challenges women face when integrating into the bio-economy, particularly institutional gaps, as well as supports. The organization developed local networks in Vancouver, Toronto, and Charlottetown through which women and stakeholders will work in partnership to develop sector action plans. Strategies to be implemented as part of these local plans could include reviews of human resources policies and mentoring.
Results: Moving Beyond the Boundaries – Connecting and Advancing Women in Biotechnology
[Link to summary]: https://www.biotalent.ca/connectingwomen
Related News:
Status of Women Canada announces new BioTalent Canada Initiative to cultivate women in biotech
Funded in part by the Government of Canada’s Status of Women Canada.