National Occupational Standard for Research Scientist in Agri-Bio

Definition of occupation

The Research Scientist develops study protocols, undertakes experiments and other tests, and analyzes the results. The purpose may be to develop new products, processes and/or applications, or to improve upon currently existing practices or products through innovation or further research and development (R&D). Research may be foundational, such as investigating new trait events, genetic improvement, and the underlying basis of health in plants/animals, or it may be more applied, such as conducting genetic research (including breeding), conducting regulatory trials in field or controlled environments—with potential to broaden the trial with in vivo/in vitro procedures—and investigating methods of prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of plant and animal pests. Knowledge transfer/translation and communication of results may be required as well.

In addition, the Research Scientist may apply for grants from funding agencies and publish research articles in peer-reviewed journals. The Research Scientist is also responsible for formulating budgets and may be responsible for the management of non-exempt (nonprofessional) staff.

How to use a National Occupational Standard 
