Definition of occupation
The Vice President Research and Development (R&D) is a key member of the executive team who has special, in-depth knowledge of the subject of interest and is well-versed in the requirements of national and international regulatory processes. The key function of a Vice President R&D is to drive product/technology innovation, oversee/direct all aspects of R&D, and facilitate the transfer to commercial development within both the scale-up/commercialization team and senior management.
The Vice President R&D provides insight and direction to the executive team and board of directors regarding the scope, focus, and cost of the research agenda. The VP brings an expert scientific perspective to strategic planning, business case options, briefings, position papers, policy drafts, project directives, and implementation plans. The role also requires effective collaboration with external stakeholders such as universities, research institutes, public sector entities, professional and regulatory bodies, and representatives from the scientific, commercial, and investment areas.
How to use a National Occupational Standard