Definition of occupation
The Vice President (VP) of Manufacturing is responsible for providing strategic and technological leadership to the organization. They make strategic decisions on future capital and technological requirements for future production capacity, and have overall responsibility for current production, quality, and profitability goals. The VP Manufacturing will often oversee production at multiple facilities (both domestic and international), and across a portfolio of different product lines. They also provide leadership with respect to supply chain/logistics functions, outsourced manufacturing, and sub-contractor and supplier development activities.
The VP Manufacturing has overall responsibility for allocating human, technological, financial, and material resources to production activities across the firm. They provide leadership and development to their direct reports in the organization. The VP Manufacturing actively coordinates with other members of the organization’s senior management team to ensure the overall performance of the organization, which they report to the President or CEO.
They may serve as a point of contact for the media and represent their organization at industry forums and events.
How to use a National Occupational Standard
View summary NOS profile here: Manufacturing Vice President – National Occupational Standard Summary