National Occupational Standard for Manufacturing Production Planner/Scheduler

Definition of occupation

The Production Planner/Scheduler in Manufacturing coordinates and expedites the flow of work and materials within or between departments of the business according to the established production schedule. They review and distribute production, work, and shipment schedules, coordinate with department supervisors and production/manufacturing managers to determine progress of work and completion dates, and compile reports on the progress of work, inventory levels, costs, and production variances.

The Production Planner/Scheduler may liaise with external supply chain agents or their organization’s supply chain managers in order to understand lead times, delivery cycles, minimum order quantity, and other aspects that influence production scheduling.

The Production Planner/Scheduler may also be required to liaise with maintenance department personnel to understand changeover/set-up requirements and ongoing periodic/routine maintenance requirements for production assets in order to optimize the scheduling of those assets for production.

How to use a National Occupational Standard 

View summary NOS profile here: Manufacturing Production Planner/Scheduler – National Occupational Standard Summary
