National Labour Market Information Study

Close-up on the bio-economy!



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Building on Sequencing the Data, the last national full LMI study conducted in 2013 , this new national study gives a much-needed update on the complex, multi-dimensional bio-economy, the companies within it, and the skills and talent they require. Its insights are based on surveys, stakeholder roundtables and interviews, an environmental scan and extensive data analysis.

The study gives Canada’s bio-economy companies a strategic advantage to compete nationally—and globally so that in addition to getting to market faster:

  1. Graduates they hire will leave school with the skills and knowledge to easily transition into a productive workforce.
  2. Newcomers to Canada, with valuable skills, can quickly enter the workforce bringing their diverse perspectives to help access new markets and contribute to solutions.
  3. Stakeholders will have a clear picture of the industry, emerging trends and its employment, to support the voices who promote the impact of the industry on the Canadian economy – regionally, nationally and internationally.
  4. Future talent programs will be developed upon evidence-based industry need.

It all starts with the data upon which this industry is built and drives its innovation. 

LMI Portal

BioTalent Canada’s new LMI Portal takes comprehensive LMI data and National Occupational Standards and transforms them into a digestible – and interactive format. Built with expansive search criteria like sub-sector, region, job function, and more, employers will be able to focus on the data that matters most to their business. Each chart and table allow for on-demand filtering of information to narrow down the data even further.


  1. Close-up on the bio-economy: National report (October 13, 2021)
  2. Close-up on the bio-economy: Demand and supply outlook (October 13, 2021)
  3. Close-up on the bio-economy: Atlantic Canada (December 6, 2021)
  4. Close-up on the bio-economy: Quebec (December 6, 2021)
  5. Close-up on the bio-economy: Ontario (December 6, 2021)
  6. Close-up on the bio-economy: Prairies (December 6, 2021)
  7. Close-up on the bio-economy: Western Canada (December 6, 2021)
  8. Close-up on the bio-economy: Greater Montreal (December 6, 2021)
  9. Close-up on the bio-economy: Greater Toronto Area (December 6, 2021)
  10. Close-up on the bio-economy: Metro Vancouver (December 6, 2021)
  11. Amplifying Success: The value of a STEM education for the bio-economy (September 8, 2020) 
  12. The Talent Differential: The case for work-integrated learning in the bio-economy (October 14, 2020)
  13. Academic Bonds: Examining the ties that bind STEM grads to their schools (December 16, 2020) 
  14. Brains, not just buildings, key to expanding domestic life sciences (July 2, 2021)

The research underscores an urgent need to build human capacity in the bio-economy through concentrated recruitment and retention strategies.

Defining the bio-economy

As part of the research, and working with industry leaders, BioTalent Canada set out to revise the definition of the bio-economy and the sub-sectors within. To see the updated definition, go to bio-economy facts.


Funded by the Government of Canada’s Sectoral Initiatives Program.Canada logo