I.D.E.A.L. Bioscience Employer Recognition Program

Announcing the Recipients for 2024-25 I.D.E.A.L. Bioscience Employer Recognition Program  

In its third year, the program has seen a significant rise in applications from Canadian organizations, both large and small.  After careful evaluation of all applications received, 16 recipients received the I.D.E.A.L. Bioscience Employer designation for 2025.  

Recipients of the 2024-2025 I.D.E.A.L. Bioscience Employer Recognition Program include (listed alphabetically): AgriTech North, Amino Labs North, API, Aruna Revolution Health Inc, BioCanRx, Charles River Laboratories, Gotcare, Health Cities, INTREPID Lab, Life Sciences Ontario, Neuraura Biotech Inc, NorthernRNA, Ontario Institute for Cancer Research (OICR), Raft Brew Labs, Shift Health and STEMCELL Technologies. 

Incorporating IDEA principles into the workforce and across the bio-economy is critical for the industry to meeting current and future staffing needs.

Adopting and promoting inclusion, diversity, equity and accessibility means more opportunities for equity-deserving groups to bring their expertise into the sector and propel Canadian innovation forward.

Evaluation Criteria:

Biotechnology organizations both large and small can apply for the I.D.E.A.L. Bioscience Employer Recognition Program.

Applicants are evaluated on the following IDEA principles and best practices:

  • Alignment of IDEA to the vision, values, strategies and outcomes of the organization.
  • Leadership accountability for IDEA.
  • Measurement and assessment of the organization’s current IDEA efforts.
  • The priority the organization places on IDEA learning and awareness.
  • How the organization prioritizes inclusive talent management practices.
  • Efforts put forward by the organization to create a culture of belonging.
  • An organization’s efforts to engage with external stakeholders such as community, clients and suppliers.

Access employer resources focused on strengthening IDEA principles in the workplace and fostering an equitable workforce

These resources can be used as benchmarking tools for companies considering applying for recognition under the program. 


A commitment to inclusion, diversity, equity, and accessibility is not just a moral imperative but a strategic advantage in the bio-economy.

The I.D.E.A.L. Bioscience EmployerTM Recognition Program is a BioTalent Canada initiative dedicated to celebrating organizations at the forefront of fostering Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, and Accessibility (IDEA) within the dynamic Canadian bio-economy.

The I.D.E.A.L. Bioscience EmployerTM Recognition Program recognizes — and applauds — organizations that are not just embracing but actively implementing principles of inclusion, diversity, equity, and accessibility. This program hopes to inspire and motivate other players in the bio-economy to follow suit, creating a more vibrant and inclusive landscape for the future of biotechnology.

Participation in the I.D.E.A.L. Bioscience EmployerTM Recognition Program positions your organization among industry leaders, signalling your dedication to creating a workplace that thrives on diversity and inclusivity.

Last year’s recipients exemplified a commitment to IDEA principles, showcasing the positive impact such values have on the bio-economy. Those employers include:

Past I.D.E.A.L. Recipients 

Previous recipients of the I.D.E.A.L. Bioscience Employer™ Recognition program have set the standard for commitment to IDEA principles, driving innovation and success in the bio-economy. By being recognized as an I.D.E.A.L. Bioscience Employer, these organizations have positioned themselves as industry leaders who are dedicated to fostering a diverse, inclusive, and thriving workplace culture. 

Check out the complete list of past participants

Industry impact stories

Several companies in the biotech sector have incorporated IDEA principles into their best practices. The following stories highlight these companies and their efforts to create a more inclusive, diverse, and equitable workforce.

Shift Health: An inclusive future is a community effort that starts at home

STEMCELL Technologies: How IDEA principles became embedded in one company’s DNA

Origin Materials: Making inclusivity a standard business practice

AgriTech North: Inclusion And Diversity Are Woven Into AgriTech North’s DNA 

Raft Brew Labs: Supporting The Local Community Through IDEA Principals

BioCanRX: Diversity Is A Continuous Journey

Origin Materials: Creating a culture of belonging: Origin Materials’ Inclusion Revolution

Aruna Revolution Health: Leading the charge in bioscience diversity and inclusion

Savyn Tech: Savyn is taking a journey of empathy and innovation in mental health