University of Manitoba Career Fair

Event Details

University of Manitoba

Join us for the annual January Career Fair on Thursday, January 21st, 2021 co-hosted by UM Career Services and the Asper School of Business Career Development Centre.

  • Connect with students and alumni from all faculties and programs at the University of Manitoba eager to learn about your organization and potential employment opportunities.
  • Market your organization to thousands of qualified students and alumni at this high profile event and increase your brand awareness among the student body.
  • Recruit students and alumni for full-time, part-time and summer positions or volunteer opportunities.
  • Educate students and alumni on the knowledge, skills and attributes you look for as an employer.
  • Register for the 2021 Career Fair and find the right people for your organization.

For more information contact Zachary LeClerc Outreach Specialist Student Engagement and Success at 204-474-8284 or [email protected]
