Did you know??
- Less than 50% of employees report being fully present in the workforce on any given day
- 87% of Canadians will be affected by one of the chronic diseases HealthPartners represents in their lifetime (list of our members can be found here).
- Illness in the workplace leads to absenteeism, and lost productivity, not to mention stress, depression and anxiety
What can we do about it?
With an aging population where 87% of Canadians are likely to be directly affected by one or more chronic disease over the course of his or her lifetime, that problem is one that will only increase over time.
Coupled with other demographic changes in the workplace – where we now have five generations represented – there is an increasing connection between employees who feel they are engaged and a company’s ability to recruit and retain top talent. Furthermore, employees are increasingly believing that their employer should positively support their health.
As a connector between employees and Canada’s most trusted health charities, HealthPartners is seeing a new trend in workplaces: a desire on the part of employers to engage their employees in improved health outcomes.
Our goals at HealthPartners are straightforward: to reduce the incidence of chronic disease in Canada, to work with employers to improve the health outcomes of their employees and to engage employees in the incredible work of our health charities.
At the end of the day, we know that by working together we can engage employees, improve their health and have a positive impact on the company bottom line. And the bonus? HealthPartners also secures resources for our charitable partners that they invest in life-saving research and more than 1200 programs in communities all across the country that benefit every single Canadian.
How do you get involved?
Join the BioTalent Canada Campaign!
83% of Canadians over 18 years old actively make the conscious decision to donate. And you can, too.
BioTalent Canada will be running a campaign in Spring of 2018 that will include the opportunity to offer employee giving (payroll deduction and credit card donation) to your employees as well as access to the resources of our 16 members.
We’d love to have the opportunity to engage your employers and build a healthier workplace, community and country.
Newsletter Issue:
HR Microscope February/March 2018