The Problem
BioTalent Canada helped produce an important labor market report and wanted to back it with maximum distribution for maximum impact. The question was, what was the best way to communicate that innovative data collection reflected an innovative organizational focus?
In partnership with some of Canada’s leading biotech and related associations, BioTalent Canada produced the report and hoped to use it to provide the country, and the world, a snapshot of the needs, opportunities and challenges within emerging areas of Canada’s biotechnology market.
The report highlighted exciting market sectors, including artificial intelligence and digital health, as well as the medical cannabis industry. The data was innovative and forward-thinking. A traditional news release with traditional media assets did not represent BioTalent Canada’s innovative data or style.
They needed a new format. So the team turned to Business Wire’s Interactive Media service.
The Solution
The decision to use interactive media to support this launch was an easy one for BioTalent Canada’s Siobhan Williams, Director, Marketing and Communications, and Eli Duern, Marketing and Communications Officer. This was BioTalent Canada’s second use of Business Wire’s Interactive Media service. They took the learnings from their first interactive release to build an even better engagement tool for their news.
“To maximize an interactive story arc, you need to think about what sound bite messages you want people to know, and then design your visuals around it,” said Williams.
Duern added, “Be considerate. Create the right content and then lay out the story visuals to build your actual story journey. Which pieces will encourage the viewer to continue the journey to the end?”
To maximize impact in a bilingual market, BioTalent Canada created each supporting asset in both French and English.
Working with the Business Wire Interactive Media design desk, the bilingual content pieces were laid out into a vertical story arc. The interactive media asset featured icons that pulsated, designed to attract attention through continual motion. Each icon clicked revealed a key takeaway in both French and English. The asset also featured a single, motion-based call to action that, when clicked, took the viewer to a landing page featuring BioTalent Canada’s partners and an option to download the report.
At launch, the news release and interactive content piece was distributed by Business Wire to media outlets, industry analysts and reporters, and interested consumers. BioTalent Canada also embedded the interactive asset on their website and news page, social channels and email marketing.
The Results
Viewers clicked on six engagement points within the asset, spending 105 seconds with BioTalent Canada’s content piece. Adding the Business Wire Interactive Media asset to BioTalent Canada’s website increased overall engagement with BioTalent Canada’s interactive content by 21%.
Compared to BioTalent Canada’s past five news releases, the labor market report interactive news release received:
Article provided by Business Wire